The North-Western and Copperbelt provinces of Zambia

Period: April to November

These two have one thing in common-mining. On this tour we study the history of the Zambian copper mining industry which is the country’s major income generator. We also learn about Zambia’s newest found treasure – Gold.  Visits to some of these mines as well as The Copperbelt Museum would give us a deeper understanding of Zambia’s rich copper history and why we are ranked third in the world.

We have for the first time designed a trip that would also take us to visit the western interior of the North-Western province which has been a rare if not impossible feat in the past. This area also has great potential for Hydro Electric Power Generation owing to the many rivers and waterfalls of the area like the Kabompo River and Chavuma Falls respectively.

Other attractions of the Copperbelt are the Dag Hammarskjold Memorial, The Kafue River, Chimfunshi Orphanage which is the largest Chimpanzee sanctuary in the world and Chembe Bird Sanctuary among others.

In the North West we have the Zambezi River source-a small spring at the foot of a tree and gives rise to Africa’s forth longest river, the longest east flowing river in Africa and the largest on the continent flowing into the Indian Ocean. This river not only accounts 40% of Southern Africa’s waters but is also home to the world-renowned Victoria Falls. The Kabompo River, which is the deepest in Zambia is also found in the northwestern province of Zambia. Then we have Likumbi Lya Mize Traditional Ceremony and the early stages of the Zambezi River among others. We also look at other social and economic activities of the two provinces.    

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