Thanks to careful management and thorough consultation with our ground team, our track record is exemplary – unblemished in fact.

Our industry-leading risk management procedures have become a skill that we continue to refine after three years of operating safe Inter-City and Country student adventures. All of our school group experts are widely travelled, highly trained and experienced consultants who have safety as their number one priority when designing an itinerary for your school.

Learn more about how we keep students safe below.

Every leader is first aid trained and are chosen because of their years of experience guiding travellers through wilderness destinations.

Risk Assessments

A detailed risk assessment is carried out prior to every school group adventure in close consultation with our local ground partners and information from the relevant government advisories.

Quality Inclusions

We will never compromise on the safety of participants to reduce the price of a tour.


All leaders carry current communication equipment relevant to the area and itinerary. All leaders have 24-hour access to our teams back in Lusaka.

Pre-Trip Screening

All participants are required to complete our medical form before departure. Any parent or student with concerns can have their doctor consult free of charge with our internationally recognised wilderness medical consultant.

Detailed Pre-Trip Information

A member of our team will visit your school to supply a pre-trip briefing to outline what to expect. We also supply a detailed document upon registration outlining what to expect, what gear to take and information on getting fit for the tour to ensure students are well prepared. The school and parents will be provided with emergency contact details.

Control Of Field Operations

In many destinations we can control the quality of the field arrangements as we own the local operation. Where we do not, we only work with the most experienced and carefully screened local suppliers.

Local Knowledge

Thanks to our local teams we are kept informed on important matters before it breaks in the media. Having a trusted local source means saving time in the rare case of emergencies as they are able to swiftly resolve matters, including the re-routing of itineraries, or supplying financial assistance where required to ensure the continuation of the journey.

Choose your package and experience the destination